
Can’t get the meaning of terms used on our website?
We have explained them here for you!

cComplete Delivery

When you deliver the complete project to your client, it is referred to as complete delivery.

RReview and Feedback Period

It is time within which the client must submit the feedback for your project. Actually, whenever you deliver your work, your client can either accept or reject it, based on its quality. Escalation time is the maximum time within which this process should be completed by the client, once you submit the complete project.

eExtract Bid

If you have submitted a bid, but you don’t want to be a part of that project anymore, you can extract your bid. Once you extract the bid, your client will not be able to see your bid any more. Hence, the project will not be awarded to you. In short, by extracting, you are actually cancelling your bid.

pPartial Delivery

You can submit your work partially too. Suppose, you want to upload your work on a daily basis, but you cannot complete the entire project in a single day, in that case, you can upload whatever work you have done. It will be regarded as a partial delivery, which means that your project is not complete yet.


Production means the work that you have completed. You need to submit your production or work through our portal. It will be submitted to your client. Then, your client will review your work. They will either reject or accept your production or work, on the basis of its quality.


Proposal refers to the bids submitted by the freelancers.


If you want to be a part of the project, but you cannot submit your bid now, for any reason, you can save that project in your wishlist. You can revisit the project from your wishlist later, whenever you are ready to bid on it. Here, please note that, even if you save the project in your wishlist, you can bid on it only until the project is open for bidding. If the client closes the bidding process, then you will not be able to bid on it, even if you had saved it in your wishlist.

Global Expert Market Place
Of Freelancers

Global platform connecting talented professionals with rising businesses.

cComplete Delivery

It means that the freelancer has completed the project and delivered the total work.

RReview and Feedback Period

It is the time within which the client must submit the feedback for freelancer’s work. So, you need to review the work and accept or reject it, within this time. If you fail to do so, we will assume that you have accepted the project.

fFixed Project Cost

In this type of pricing, you decide the total cost of the whole project.

oOpen to Bid

In this pricing type, you allow the freelancers to submit their bids according to their own pricing choice.

pPer Word Cost

It is a type of pricing in which the total cost of the project depends on the word count of the project. For example, if you want to translate a 1000 word essay, and you can afford to give $ 0.2 per word, then, your total project cost would be $ 200 and per word cost would be $ 0.2.

pPartial Delivery

It means that the freelancer has delivered a partial project, and the project is not complete yet.


It is the work done by the freelancer. When the freelancer uploads the work on the portal, you can view the document, check it, and then decide whether to accept or reject it, depending on the quality of work.

Global Expert Market Place
Of Freelancers

Global platform connecting talented professionals with rising businesses.